"Only when the Power of Love outweighs the Love of Power will we truly be at Peace"

-Jimi Hendricks

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery but Today is a Gift, that's why it's called the Present.

-Crazy Old Turtle

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good day and the sneak attack of the CO

So remember how I said that I got passed over for promotion....

This folks is call a cliff hanger so keep reading.

First of all I got a great PFT(295) back in CO. and have since recieved an award for it. Pretty sweet. That on top of my SSGT back in the rear trash talking and telling me he got a 300 has shown me that I can always be better and has cemented my goal. I will do everything humanly possible to run a 300 by the end of this deployment.

Secondly all of the quotas for meritorous Corpral on the active side were taken. So that was a no go. This made my chain of command, who secretly love me to death:), very angry. This type of quota hasn't been available to my unit for the last two years so some hell was raised.

Now some brief boring military details. MACS 23 falls under MACG-48, howeverwe while in theater we are currently under the command of MACG-38.

All the quotas from MACG-48 were filled or rather non-existant. So my great chain of command went to MACG-38 to see what they could get from them. This is unheard of. To ask another command to promote someone else's Marine over their own is completely unorthodox.

There was the fact, however, that I completely blew the competition out of the water.

This morning at approximently 1100 hours attention on deck was called and the CO entered. Everyone was really confused. SGTMAJ then said "Lcpl Fullmer, Report to the Commanding Officer." Everyone is still confused but now I am UTTERLY and COMPLETELY lost. The same scenario had played out two days previous so I could recieve my award for a good PFT. Then the words started. "To all who shall see the presents greetings. Know ye that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of John S Fullmer, I do appoint this Marine a Corporal(Meritorious) in the United States Marine Corps.

I know Drama, Drama, Drama...but it felt great. To be pinned on by my Sgt and SSgt felt great.

This whole post has seemed like a big brag fest but believe me it is not. I am very humbled by the Trust and Confidence of my command. I only hope that I can continue to earn and preserve it.

Okay there was a little bragging;) Thats two meritorous promotions in a row. Woot woot!

so no more LCPL Fullmer on the letters, just CPL.

Oh yeah...my e-mail has been changed as well because of some password issues. johnsnakfullmer@gmail is the new address so anything you have sent to the previous in the last few days...please resend.

I believe, Kara, that your quote is from Face/Off. WOO! I'M CASTOR TROY! WOO!

Love you all and thaks for your continued support.


Jessica said...

OH John I miss you and congradulations!!! Braging is totally acceptable .

Johnny Snaks said...

sorry for all the spelling/grammar errors

it was 1:30 am and I was half watching the football game

mom said...

The whole promotion wording makes my allergies act up :) Did you get a tear in your eye as well? My big tough marine still has a very tender heart.

Johnny Snaks said...

Tears? What are those?

Kimber said...

Awesome! I don't understand all the jargon or abbrev. but it sounds so cool - and the drama only makes it better. From all your descriptions it's hard to remember that you are out of the country. Watching football? . . . is that war? :D

I'm so glad you are having a great time and getting this recognition - we know you are a hard worker and deserve it! Great job!!

Kate said...

I know I told you already, but CONGRATULAIONS! I love how hard you are working and all the goals you are setting. You make me so proud.

And I'll admit it- I had a full on tear when I read this post.

Love you!

Kara said...

Way to go bro! Congrats and all that! Sounds like everybody loves you...As to be expected. Made any enemies yet? (Right on on the quote.)

KJBBBG said...

Wow. It's so awesome. I love the promotion feeling (as a spouse anyway). Feels like you finally get some of what's due you for your work and effort.

Glad to hear you're doing well.

Thanks for the comment on the boys. I miss people who do movie lines and know me so well. I agree of course on the "stop growing up" thing but alas I cannot consent.

Love you, KJB

Cami Sue said...

I'm so proud of you! It's such a good feeling when those that know you deserve it do what needs to be done so you can get what you deserve - and have earned.

I wanted to know exactly what all those mumbo jumbo abbreviations meant so went to a website that showed the ranks of Marines. Now I'm really impressed. Brag all you want little brother. You earned it.

I was also reading up on Marine PFT - dang! You are awesome! How did you do that? I look at the requirements (which I'm not sure if they are exactly what you had to do) and I want to crawl in bed and cry it makes me sore just thinking about it. I love that you don't just brag about your success but you set another goal in front of you to keep pushing towards. You are amazing!