-Jimi Hendricks
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery but Today is a Gift, that's why it's called the Present.
-Crazy Old Turtle
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Small Chance
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Home and stuff...

This was our flower about two months ago before the cursed cold came to visit.

This is our bedroom with our little tv and my Iraq Rug!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
See how good I am doing
This can all be accredited to Audi. She is keeping on me to blog...and lets just she say she usually gets what she wants:)
So these are our engagement pictures...for those of you who havent seen them already.
this one is one of my favorites

I like this one with the line...just looks really cool to me!


The lady even liked our pictures so much that she has even used 1 or 2 of our pictures to advertise on her website.
So there you have it...you little brother is gonna marry a super sweet super hot hunny named Audi:)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Im backkkkk
i have no excuses, we havent really been busier than usual I have just been laxier(that letter has stopped working on my laptop so i have to substitute it with x) than usual.
for those of you not missing me....
well lets not be ridiculous:)
okay okay where to start
I proposed to my sweet Audi. you all were there but I like to think about it. Up until that point the Marine Corps had been the best, and arguably the ONLY good, decision of my life. It now takes second, a second that doesnt even come close to the first.
After getting back to Denver we tried to arrange a visit to go see her parents in Wyoming because we both wanted her Dads approval, and since I was sure that was impossible, approval that is, I would have been content with consent. Well read on readers.
This proved to be very difficult because as soon as I got home I had to take a week trip to Burrlington. the place not the coat factory. It is in an old post of mine so you can look back for pictures if your heart desires. it wasnt winter this time but it was an adventure. Rain, A broken radar, a second radar to get and set up, long nights that turned into early mornings and about half a doxen tornado warnings. It was a test of my ability to keep my sanity against all odds.
After returning we finally made it up to Wyoming, spent a day out on the lake, and later that night I asked Audi's dad the big question. Weird how you plan things out but then your mouth seems to take all control, I didnt ask for permission like I had planned but rather for his blessing as I had already asked her.
He said a lot of really nice and flattering things but in my attempt to be more humble I will just say that he said yes. After that i got lots of hugs and "welcome to the family"s and an awesome turkey dinner
that is my favorite part so I will pause on that and try to make one giant post, a few short posts.
Somewher in all this we bought a new bed, which rocks. We also got engagement pictures, which are gorgeous, thanks to Audi and the photographer which will be on my next post.
Can I just add that even with such an awesome girl it is really a strain on a realationship to be gone almost as much as you are home. Most of you know this Im sure and most of you have told me this, but as always I learn the hard way. however we are doing great due to Audi's level of sweetness and a pair of 20 dollar webcams.
I love you all and I will be better on my posting
Saturday, June 20, 2009
ah what a month!
Well the biggest thing that has happened this month is Jump School.
I always made fun of the Army before but now i really know...they are...different to put it nicely!
The first week is spent practicing jumping out of an airplane door, learning PLF's( Parachute Landing Falls) and jumping out of a 34 ft tower. Pretty rough all the way around... The PLFs hurt a lot and we had to do them over and over and over...
Week 2 moves on to mass exit over the mock plane doors...thats 15 jumpers out of both sides of the plane, the Swing Landing Trainer and being dropped from a 250 ft Tower. The SLT was a serious pain. I was dropped about 25 times, each time leaving bruises on my ribs and a rather severe headache...
The Tower was amazing! They hook you up in a parachute and then drag you to the top of the Tower...and then drop you to the ground... You could see the whole base and it was pretty sweet!
Week three is the serious gut check...five jumps out of an airplane moving at about 200 MPH. You spend hours in the Harness Shed waiting for your turn...and then they call your number. You realize as you are walking on the C-130 the this is the point of no return.
Once you get on the bird you are given a ten minute warning...then you stand up, hook your static line to a wire in the bird, and then wait. You hear the wind rushing past the plane, you can feel the adrenaline in your stomach, tasting the bitterness in you mouth, your eyes dialate...classic fight or flight stuff. You soon realize that Flight is the only way:)
Once you start moving you are out of the door before you know it...your whole body goes horizontal in a wind that feels like a freight train. This last for an intense 3 seconds that feel like forever...and then you are floating. It takes about a minute to hit the ground but it feels like 5 seconds.
Anyway if you go to youtube.com they have plenty of airborne videos.
I got my wings pinned on on Thursday and felt the pride inside me swell even more:) There are about 100 Radar Marines in the Fleet and only two currently have jump wings, SSGT Ashby and myself so you can understand my feelings of Awesomeness!!!
This was a good and fun(which means really terrible!) and the best part of this month was by far...getting home to My Sweet Audi! Three weeks felt like an eternity without seeing her. We got to talk at night but usually only had an hour or two...mix that with the time difference and it got tricky to communicate. What's important is that we made it and I am so happy to be home!
This is all!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ah Mason...mason mason mason
Don't know why that has been in my head all day or what is has to do with anything, but thats how the wheels turn in the head of John
For all you George R R Martin fans, Winter is coming...to HBO. The Song of Fire and Ice has been picked up by HBO and is in full swing. Filming begins in October(I think) and it is being filmed in Ireland.
So far it has been tight lips on cast and anything else that I would want to know...but this is progress and progress is good! I can't wait!
Once again I have to put a disclaimer on this as it is FAR from PG...but all you fans obviously know this and will know what to expect.
In other news...
My new RADAR is kicking my butt! It has been one thing after another and I have been busy busy busy.
My car is making progress slowly but surely...I now have a working speedometer, turn signals, windshield wipers(very important) and even a heater that works semi good!
Jump school is a definite go, barring any crazy injuries or nonsense, and I am getting super pumped. It will be a little hard because I won't see Audi for the three weeks followed by 2 more weeks of AT. So almost all of June will be Audi-less, which is very sad indeed, but I think we both can manage...this will be a good test to see how she could handle a deployment...I think she will pass with flying colors;)
Just so nobody says "I would have come if I had known" the invitation is extended...I will graduate from Jump school June 19th. It is a ceremony open to all guests and it would be neat to see. It is in Georgia so I understand, especially with the current economy, if nobody can make it. No pressure of course just an open invitation...I am trying to get Audi out there so it will be an early introduction to any that come...
if any of you are interested give me a call and I will get you all the necessary info.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
April Awesomeness!!!
First I had a Birthday! Audi and I went and watched Fast and Furious(not a bad flick) and went to Texas Roadhouse. I had a great steak and some tasty ribs and then Audi told our waitress(gurrr) that it was my birthday. They all came out and sang happy birthday and gave me this cheesy plastic cowboy hat. Definitely made me blush.
She also gave me a Barnes and Noble gift card...she is catching on quick:)
In other news I also got accepted into Airborne School...jump school! I leave may 29th and train for 3 weeks. I am pretty excited to jump out of airplanes!
I have also been spending a great amount of my time with the above mentioned Sweet Audi! We are having a great time getting to know each other and are starting to get a little more serious about our relationship. Fingers crossed people...I really like this one!
Oh and I'm not fat any more... Marines Corps says so! I made weight FINALLY!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I'm Sorry...I promise.

In other news Denver weather is even more retarded than Idaho weather. With a high of 80 degrees on sunday the weathermen have been calling for snow all week. Wednesday we are told that we are supposed to get between 2 and 14 inches of snow. I don't know how you can predict snow with a foot difference possiblity...but whatever. We are told that we will have thursday off due to the possible crappy weather. So naturally we go out wednesday night to celebrate. We also had a birthday to celebrate see it was just plain lucky
We were out until about 2 am and still no snow...we thought that there was no possible way we would get any snow, let alone 14 inches...little did we know. By ten we had a couple of inches on the ground but nothing serious so I went to get my car towed to a mechanic. by noon the roads were so bad that 15 MPH was the top speed on base and 10 was about average.
crazy weather...I just want it to be summer already!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Mess Night
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
updates and regular dates
Beach tommorrow...it is going to be an all day thing. We are keeping our fingers crossed for whales...WE WANT TO SEE THE WHALES!
Thursday night I am flying into Boise. This is a new experiance for me...never flow into or away from Boise so I'm excited. Josh is picking me up from the airport and I am chillin at his place for the day...thats Friday I guess. I really hope I get to see Cami and Ben and I would love to go to a dinner someplace...anybodies house qualifies.
Saturday and Sunday...Well I'm not really sure okay. I am single and live by the seat of my pants. I go where the wind(or rather the vehicle) takes me. Plans are for people who don't have 10 siblings spread of 2 countries, five states and who knows how many miles. I try to see everybody but sometimes it just can't happen(Sorry so much Kells you know I would love to come visit and I am trying!)
Monday I am fishing with the Papa. Just me, my favorite old guy, a canoe and a resevior. Oh and fish...I really want there to be fish!
Tuesday I will go to the City of Salt...the birthplace of my independence...or at least legal independence. I hope to see Kara and Maximus....I have seen him once since birth and he was asleep in a crib...I really want to meet my nephew okay...I love nephews more than most things. Oh and I hope to see James to.
Tuesday night I will leave on a Jet plane back to the Mile High City. I have a girl back home that is DYING to see me...and thats all I have to say about that!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Back by popular demand
So developments... I bought some rear tires for my car. 350 bucks after military discount. I think mom is saying "a fool and his money soon part" as she reads this...but this fool had to get the money in the first place so it can't be that bad!
I met an adorable lady. Her name is Autumn and for those of you who haven't heard the story...well its funny so give me a call. She holds the same affinity for mocking people as myself so we hit it off from the start. Mocking in the most polite and mature of ways of course! I asked her to be my date to our formal Marine Dinner and she blushed and accepted! After 7 months this guy still has the charm!
I got a new phone. Not that exciting but if you haven't got the new number it is 720-212-1320.
I am once again in the Denver Airport waiting to start a two weeks journey that will cross four states and twice as many siblings.
It's good to be back and my hilarious, and completely appropriate, comments will follow soon.
I heard probably the worst karaoke of my life. "Sweet child of mine" was completely butchered.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'm Leaving on a jet plane...
the time has come, bags are packed and we are waiting for the final word. Could be tomorrow and it could be a week. Such is the War Machine! Hopefully it is Sooner and not later because I would really like to see PFC Fullmer become an official member of my beloved gun club.
Either way I should be back in Denver beginning of February and life will go back to the level of normality it was at pre-Iraq. I got a car to fix and ladies to flirt with. Oh and Taco Bell.
A few things I have learned over that last week...70 men stuffed into one tent makes for a VERY stinky home! Rounds somehow jump magazines, it is a strange phenomena but a common one. Irock (pun intended) at combat fitness!
The Marines, in their never ending pursuit on being better, has started an new physical fitness test to get us back to our roots. This test includes Ammo Can lifts, a half mile sprint in boots and Cammies, Causality evacuation, grenade throwing and a lot of running throw cones. This course takes about a total of 7 minutes but it is some serious work and a great measure of ones overall MANLINESS and AWESOMENESS!
Though this new test is not yet graded by points but rather on a pass fail basis, we took scores down for input and I took third overall. Hows that for 3 pounds overweight huh? Everybody must have been drinking WEAKSAUCE while I was drink Milk!
Can't wait to see y'all!
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Crucible
The last two weeks were probably boring. Lots of inspection, which stink, and lots of "Final" stuff. Apparently Jared's Platoon broke the Battalion record in Final Drill. This is a HUGE deal. Final Drill isn''t just graded on how the Senior Drill Instrutor preforms, but how well the recruits preform as well. no easy task!
Today he was shipped back up to Pendelton. This week he will do the Crucible as well as the gas chamber. The crucible is pretty grueling. less than 4 hours of sleep a night for 3 days, 1.5 MREs for food and lots of forced marching. He also has to finish several team tasks that are all a big pain in the...well you get the picture.
The final morning is a hump in full gear for about 5 miles afterwhich he climbs the infamous Reaper. This hill is no joke. Every time you think you are done it just keeps going. At the bottom of the last rise his Plt will form up and rush the hill warcrying. Mostly just men being men but everyone feels a huge sense of accomplishment
At the top he will recieve my beloved Eagle Globe and Anchor. This is our emblem and with it comes a a whole lot of pride and a whole lot of brothers. At this moment Jared will officialy be a Marine and with this comes a whole lot of reponsiblity and expected honor.
Of course at the bottom he still has to hump the 5 miles back and that is almost just a hard!
Pictures to come
Saturday, January 10, 2009
New Stuff! and no more mail
Today is our last day in our cans. We move out and into the tent city Circus Circus. That's really what it's called. All the other living sites, tents or cans, are named after memorable Marine battles, locations or people...and then there is Circus Circus. 70 stinky males all shoved into 1 tent. This wouldn't be so bad but the ops crews are constantly coming and going all hours of the day and night. There has already been an Email from our CO saying he wants NO animosity between Maintenance and OPS. I guess they are trying to get a peace treaty before the war starts...which is good because OPS is Gaza and Maint. is Israel.
The New RADAR gets here soon. We don't know when but rumors says that we will tear down Roxanne and build Lazer before we leave. That's right...Lazer is coming back to visit us for a few days.
For any of you who are a tinsy bit confused Lazer was our RADAR in Denver but since she is in the best shape(and the sexiest) she is coming out to work hard. It will be an exciting 2 hard days of work. Roxanne hasn't been torn apart in nearly 2 years so she is bound to give a little fight.
We are having our last BBQ tonight se we can all watch the Eagles/ Giants game. No real word on when we will officially be back but we are in the final steps!
Last thing...please don't send anymore mail because it will just get turned around. I will let you know my new address as soon as I do!