"Only when the Power of Love outweighs the Love of Power will we truly be at Peace"

-Jimi Hendricks

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery but Today is a Gift, that's why it's called the Present.

-Crazy Old Turtle

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Im backkkkk

for those of you missing me...

i have no excuses, we havent really been busier than usual I have just been laxier(that letter has stopped working on my laptop so i have to substitute it with x) than usual.

for those of you not missing me....

well lets not be ridiculous:)

okay okay where to start


I proposed to my sweet Audi. you all were there but I like to think about it. Up until that point the Marine Corps had been the best, and arguably the ONLY good, decision of my life. It now takes second, a second that doesnt even come close to the first.

After getting back to Denver we tried to arrange a visit to go see her parents in Wyoming because we both wanted her Dads approval, and since I was sure that was impossible, approval that is, I would have been content with consent. Well read on readers.

This proved to be very difficult because as soon as I got home I had to take a week trip to Burrlington. the place not the coat factory. It is in an old post of mine so you can look back for pictures if your heart desires. it wasnt winter this time but it was an adventure. Rain, A broken radar, a second radar to get and set up, long nights that turned into early mornings and about half a doxen tornado warnings. It was a test of my ability to keep my sanity against all odds.

After returning we finally made it up to Wyoming, spent a day out on the lake, and later that night I asked Audi's dad the big question. Weird how you plan things out but then your mouth seems to take all control, I didnt ask for permission like I had planned but rather for his blessing as I had already asked her.

He said a lot of really nice and flattering things but in my attempt to be more humble I will just say that he said yes. After that i got lots of hugs and "welcome to the family"s and an awesome turkey dinner

that is my favorite part so I will pause on that and try to make one giant post, a few short posts.

Somewher in all this we bought a new bed, which rocks. We also got engagement pictures, which are gorgeous, thanks to Audi and the photographer which will be on my next post.

Can I just add that even with such an awesome girl it is really a strain on a realationship to be gone almost as much as you are home. Most of you know this Im sure and most of you have told me this, but as always I learn the hard way. however we are doing great due to Audi's level of sweetness and a pair of 20 dollar webcams.

I love you all and I will be better on my posting


Cami Sue said...

I did miss you! I've been looking for you each time I get on and I'm glad you are back.

It's nice to hear the goings on. I'm so proud of you for asking her dad for...permission (or blessing - whichever - he gave it right?)

So do you guys have any dates in mind (wedding dates, not hanging out dates)?

I'm excited to hear more. Don't be such a stranger (yeah, I know I'm one to talk). I know it makes the heart grow fonder but frankly aren't we all in love with you? I don't know that our hearts could grow more fond of you.

Kara said...

Wahoo! In case there was any question I am in the totally missed you group. Great to hear a bit about your life and see how silly in love you are. And don't worry, silliness only enhances manliness. Sounds like you have won over yet another set of parents...the most important ones. Congrats!

Kate said...

I have missed you quite a lot actually. I need some witty comic relief every once in a while. :D

I'm glad all went well with Audi's dad...it makes a huge difference when you get along with the in-laws.

So when are you coming to visit me huh?

Kimber said...

There you are! I totally missed you!!!

Great summary - I was wondering how things went with her Dad. Good to know your absence was due to work and not because a possible future father-in-law pulled out his gun :)

Time away is hard but can also make for great memories as you "date" long distance. And you even have webcams. Don't know that that would have been so great when LeRoy was gone for 9 months. He would have only seen my jammies day after day after day. Luckily you have a gorgeous catch to fill your webcam!

Love you!

~*Autumn*~ said...

Thank goodness you've returned! I'm so happy to get an update on you and even more pleasant to hear how asking for permission was in your words. You have a way with words John that always has me rolling and laughing. I love your blog, it's one of the many highlights in my sunny day. So keep on it now that you've broken the absence... plus you would have a LOT of people to answer to if you stopped again. :)