"Only when the Power of Love outweighs the Love of Power will we truly be at Peace"

-Jimi Hendricks

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery but Today is a Gift, that's why it's called the Present.

-Crazy Old Turtle

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hurry Up and Wait

Such is the Marine Corps. And all Military I am told.

Why do i always wait to the VERY LAST minute to pack. 11 PM last night and I finally decide to finish packing. Lat minute run throughs are the worst. What did I forget, what am i gonna need, how am I gonna make it without just one more book?

To make things worse my newest lady friend can't sleep and wants to talk to me. Well okay why not. Last time I will see her for a month so she comes on over. As a side note of interest, why do women ALWAYS wait until you are about to fall asleep to start talking about "life and stuff"?

So when 2 in the morning runs by I HAVE to say goodbye. I have to be up in three hours and I am still not finished packing. I decide to put it off until(Morning?) five when I have to wake up. This usually goes one of two ways. Either I wake up as planned and am more refeshed for it...or I push the snooze four times and suddenly I am running around trying to get things done in five minutes. Luckily it was the former and I got up right on time.

Why am I waking up at 5 in the morning. Cause I have to be a Squadron at 6 or rather the bus is leaving for the airport at 6. If the bus leaves at six we have to be there at 5:45, which means we have to leave the barracks at 5:30. I can get ready in about three minutes but 30 is ideal for a good mindset.

So i get there on time, all is well. We are at the airport at 6:15 but our flights don't leave untill 9:00! I am furious, but whatever. Better to be safe then sorry I guess. The worst part is we land in Phoenix at 10:30, but the rest of the guys don't fly in 'till 3 PM.

So we wait in the USO, which we all love.
Waiting for a 4 hour bus ride to Yuma
Waiting for a 1 hour hike through the sand to get to site.
Waiting for a dark desert lit up by artificial lights to set up our gear.
Waiting for 95 degees and rising.
Waiting for anything active to do.

A few things I have done in my boredom
Posted one, soon to be two posts.
Deleted 734 Messages dating clear back to febuary 10th
Wrote messages to Dustin Akerman, who i haven't seen sine the 10th grade, and Allyn Johnson who I haven't seen since the 6th grade.
Played 8 games of freecell, all won of course
Played 3 games of chess, 2 out of 3 won.
Won two golf tournaments on Tiger Woods 08
Watched a little Monk and a lot of That 70's show
Talked to Brandi, Which I haven't done since 29 Palms
Checked my Myspace...which I hate to do.
and Flirted with a Navy girl who is going to San Diego

If only I had a time machine...or a treadmill!

Good news is I found out that they are FINALLY starting filming on the Sequal to Booddock Saints. This means nothing to most but for ALL of my guys here it is a heaven sent message.
About time is all I can say. Speaking of which it is time to check up on a song of Fire and Ice...

I came, I babbled and hopefully I entertained


Kimber said...

Definitely entertained. I'm so impressed with your babbling! I love it!

Sound like you are on quite a journey!

Cami Sue said...

I am also impressed with your babbling. Hurry up and wait - what a title. It's good you find things to do instead of just sitting there though.

KJBBBG said...

Wow. I love to hear the detail even if it is about the lack of efficiency with the military.

I bet you weren't to excited with what you found out about Song of Fire and Ice. But Shawn found out the second of Patrick Rothfuss is out soon or out.

Have you been able to get a ticket? Anything in particular you want to see here?

Cami Sue said...

Happy Birthday! I wanted to call you but when I called it said that you weren't available to accept the call and to try again later. I wanted to leave a message!

Anyway. Happy Birthday. I don't know when you will get this but know I was thinking of you (I even talked to Mom about calling you).

Love you John.