"Only when the Power of Love outweighs the Love of Power will we truly be at Peace"

-Jimi Hendricks

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery but Today is a Gift, that's why it's called the Present.

-Crazy Old Turtle

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hurry Up and Wait

Such is the Marine Corps. And all Military I am told.

Why do i always wait to the VERY LAST minute to pack. 11 PM last night and I finally decide to finish packing. Lat minute run throughs are the worst. What did I forget, what am i gonna need, how am I gonna make it without just one more book?

To make things worse my newest lady friend can't sleep and wants to talk to me. Well okay why not. Last time I will see her for a month so she comes on over. As a side note of interest, why do women ALWAYS wait until you are about to fall asleep to start talking about "life and stuff"?

So when 2 in the morning runs by I HAVE to say goodbye. I have to be up in three hours and I am still not finished packing. I decide to put it off until(Morning?) five when I have to wake up. This usually goes one of two ways. Either I wake up as planned and am more refeshed for it...or I push the snooze four times and suddenly I am running around trying to get things done in five minutes. Luckily it was the former and I got up right on time.

Why am I waking up at 5 in the morning. Cause I have to be a Squadron at 6 or rather the bus is leaving for the airport at 6. If the bus leaves at six we have to be there at 5:45, which means we have to leave the barracks at 5:30. I can get ready in about three minutes but 30 is ideal for a good mindset.

So i get there on time, all is well. We are at the airport at 6:15 but our flights don't leave untill 9:00! I am furious, but whatever. Better to be safe then sorry I guess. The worst part is we land in Phoenix at 10:30, but the rest of the guys don't fly in 'till 3 PM.

So we wait in the USO, which we all love.
Waiting for a 4 hour bus ride to Yuma
Waiting for a 1 hour hike through the sand to get to site.
Waiting for a dark desert lit up by artificial lights to set up our gear.
Waiting for 95 degees and rising.
Waiting for anything active to do.

A few things I have done in my boredom
Posted one, soon to be two posts.
Deleted 734 Messages dating clear back to febuary 10th
Wrote messages to Dustin Akerman, who i haven't seen sine the 10th grade, and Allyn Johnson who I haven't seen since the 6th grade.
Played 8 games of freecell, all won of course
Played 3 games of chess, 2 out of 3 won.
Won two golf tournaments on Tiger Woods 08
Watched a little Monk and a lot of That 70's show
Talked to Brandi, Which I haven't done since 29 Palms
Checked my Myspace...which I hate to do.
and Flirted with a Navy girl who is going to San Diego

If only I had a time machine...or a treadmill!

Good news is I found out that they are FINALLY starting filming on the Sequal to Booddock Saints. This means nothing to most but for ALL of my guys here it is a heaven sent message.
About time is all I can say. Speaking of which it is time to check up on a song of Fire and Ice...

I came, I babbled and hopefully I entertained

I've been Tagged

Kells Tagged me a while ago but better late than never...right?
A. Post The Rules
B. Answer the Questions about yourself
C. After posting, tag 5 people by going to their blog and leaving a comment.

1. What were you doing 10 years ago??...
Pretty much just school. Not a whole lot going on at 11. Dustin Akerman, who I have jsut recently heard from, was my best friend

2. 5 Things on my To-Do List Today...
Well..Check my Email-Done
Check my Blog
Check my facebook
Call Kelsey and tell her I had better get an invitation
Get to Yuma and get all unpacked

3. What snacks I enjoy
What snacks don't I enjoy?
I love chocolate covered raisins, worthers original, Peppered Jerky, and sunflower seeds are the best. Don't know how many times I've had to eat sunflower seeds to stay awake.

4. What would I do if I were to suddenly be a Billionaire?
I would try to expand and improve every USO in the country.
I would buy a 69 camaro SS and a 67 Shelby Mustang GT, My dream cars.
I would also completely restore my Maverick.
I would take my Momma to Europe so she could finally see all the things she wants to.
I would go with Jared back to Germany
BIG Victorian house in the deep south with wrap around porch and, of course, a porch swing.
Start a trust fund for all my awesome Nephews and Nieces.
I would love to go see the Dome of the Rock some day...

5. 3 Bad Habits...
I'm an aweful morning Person. I hit my snooze at LEAST 4 times.
I often expect my junior Marines to, not do there best, but do as good or better than me.
I get furious very easy on drill weekend. I often end up doing something myself rather than teaching my Marines how to do it right.

6. 5 Places I've lived..
Arimo, ID
Alexandria, VA
Salt Lake City, UT
29 Palms, CA
Aurora, CO

7. 5 Jobs I've had..
Farm hand
Bug Sprayer
Asphalt Worker
Security Guard
and my favorite US Marine OOH-RAH

8. 5 Things People don't Know About Me...
I have intense moments of panic and Meloncholy in the most common of times
I love taking long drives by myself for no reason at all
I once dated a girl, who I later found out, much to my suprise and dismay, was an exotic dancer...
My biggest regret from high school was not taking Andrea Cammick to our Senior Prom
and the biggie...I once, very seriously, talked to a girl back home about getting married

I'm Just tagging Katie DID cause I only have a few contacts and want to share the wealth.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


You in the Military know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

24 hour post. On a weekend no less. On the night I should be packing for Arizona!

Duty goes like this. You show up 0715 to relieve the off-going duty. then you sit around and pray that nothing bad happens, because then YOU have to do paperwork, until 0715 the next morning. Between the two of us we split the eight hours of sleep in half but sadly 4 hours of sleep on a cot is about equivilent to 1/2 hour of real rest. In the past duty has always been 24 hours of thumb twiddling for me but this time I have chosen to be productive.

So instead it went like this.

0715 show up and change over. do a max set of wide grip pull ups (24 today!!! 20 is perfect on my fitness test so you can imagine my excitement)

0720 begin a light run

0735 catch my second wind, switch to a medium run

0750 feeling great, sun is shining, bump it up to heavy run

0805 turn around, do a "triple threat" ( leg lifts, flutter kicks, and Hello Dolly's, 30 of each without resting your feet on the ground)

0850 finish run(thats right hour and a half, a little under 11 miles)

0855 stretch out, do a pyrimid of 6 pull ups(1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1) 36 all together with ten pushups in between each set for an even 100

0900 get cleaned up, do my security checks, eat my breakfast of champions(slim fast)

0915-1000 start and finish two MCI's (Marine Corps Institute) which helps towards my promotion score

1000-1200 search for a semi-affordable plane ticket

1200-1400(noon-2) start a new novel

1400 eat a "good meal" and when I say good I mean "is good" not "tastes good"

1415 -1600(2:15-4) continue novel(its really good!)

1600-1800(4-6) go to gym to lift weights. Arms today which consists of three different lifts for biceps and triceps, 3 sets of ten each, followed by some curls and finally some dips. Finish off with two triple threats, 20 each set.

1815 1900(6:15-7) start reading blogs and posting and the rest is, as they say, history.

Actually I guess it would be the future...Whatever!!!

pretty regular day minus going to the office and playing on Laser(which makes me a little sad)

remember the sun shining this morning...well now its snowing. And to think I joined My Beloved Corps to get away from this weather. HA! Joke's on me I guess.

Good news is that I am so wiped out that those four hours of sleep will be actual slumber!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Boondock Saints Bash


First of all this means one very important thing to me. BOONDOCK SAINTS!!!

If you have never seen this movie don't go rent it. It's not the kind I would recommend. but if you have already sinned(HEEHEE) you understand what I speak of.

This movie led to other movies which consisted of Brooklyn Rules, Green Street Hooligans, GoodFellas, Requim for a Dream and then the movie PI. Thats why it is funny that Kate and Kimber had there PI days.

Now anyone that knows all these movies is going to say "I follow the first four but how did you get to Requim for a Dream."

Let me esplain, no it is to long let me sum up.

Boondock Saints takes place in a Mob controlled Boston, Brooklyn Rules takes place in a Mob Controlled Brooklyn, Green Street Hooligans because it is ST Pattys and Good Fellas cause we were on a Mob high.

Requim? yeah I don't know. I think somebody just said they like Jared Leto from Fight Club and the band 30 Sec to Mars but he is also in a cult classic know as... you got it Requim for a Dream. This led to PI cause it is by the same director and I happened to have both movies.

WOW! The brain is amazing. That whole paragraph took about a millisecond to happen in my brain but twenty minutes to type.


PS. The reason I had to work the next day was because it was Drill Weekend. Thats also why I wanted it to "Come to Pass" See Posting "Drill Weekend"

Boondock Saints Bash

Senator McCain, and stuff

Not that this really counts for anything but Senator McCain has a son who is a Lance Corpral in the Marine Corps. He is with the grunts, which are who real men wish they could be, and just returned from his first deployment. His older son is possibly going through the Naval Academy to be an officer.

Now like I said this may mean nothing to you but this is awesome to anyone in the Military. With A military father in the White house we will not get the short end of the stick.

Now I like to think of myself as Patriotic. I hold no political views or agendas. I do what I am told by my Commander and Chief. If that is Senator Clinton then so be it I will Serve, proudly, under Senator Clinton. But I won't have to like it!

Please vote where your heart and beliefs are.

A Strong Nation is not just a Stong Military, but it sure doesn't hurt.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Drill Weekend

This is where mom's quote comes into play(hopefully really fast).
So its past midnight on friday and I have to work tommorow. Why am I still awake?
Big Brother 9

Someone once told me that you never completely get rid of your addictions, you just trade them for new ones. Hopefully better ones.

New addictions:
The Ellipticle(one of my more painful)
lifting weights(my favorite)
SlimFast Strawberries and Creme(my breakfast) and...
Big Brother 9(my weekend glimse into...something)

Big Brother is a reality show, or as I like to call it, a social experiment.
The basis: throw twenty or so people into a house that is COMPLETELY cut off from the outside world, tell them to compete on live telivision for 1 Million(Dollars not pesos) and see how they treat each other.
What you get is people that anybody could easily get along with( except the guy from Boston, rudest people in the world!) and turn them into cut-throat citizens ready to sell out there closest friend.

Anyway that, is as they say, that and combined with all my smart allick comments we have a full lid.

oh yeah and I finished making my actual, legal last will and testiment today. Definently a Full Lid!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The lowest Bidder

This whole week I am in a tram course. That is basically a piece of farm equipment and may be the easiest thing to drive the Marine Corps owns. Go figure it is made by John Deere and not the Marine Corps.

We had a health assesment on our radar these last two days as well. Don't worry she is doing just fine! While doing this we had to use a $12000 piece of equipment to test the Radiation levels It's not only a piece of junk but I'm pretty sure I could have built it for $67. It consisted of PBC pipe, a video camera bi-pod and piece of wood. Oh yeah and don't forget the excessive amounts of duct tape.

Lowest bidder? Who knows

Sunday, March 2, 2008


First of all I will say that anyone who can drive SEVEN thats rights SEVEN, very intoxicated Marines, all over the city of Denver at three in the morning and still make it to church at ten in the morning is not only talented, thank you thank you very much, but dedicated to the cause.

I'm not gonna lie, going back to church all on my own with no alternative reasons is tough. I have yet to have an amazing church experiance, but I will perservere. I have started helping every chance I get. This includes getting the boyscouts on base to go skeet shooting, which was a big hit.

Anyway. If you ever have a moment where your kids are driving you nuts and you are getting ready to snap, just think of your favorite Marine, driving seven grown men who have the motor skills of two year olds, have patience. Marines will be Marines and kids will be kids. They might be driving you crazy tonight but you will still love them in the morning.

The End