"Only when the Power of Love outweighs the Love of Power will we truly be at Peace"

-Jimi Hendricks

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery but Today is a Gift, that's why it's called the Present.

-Crazy Old Turtle

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm bringing WHAT back?

I bought a suit. It is sexy!

I paid $500 for a 3 piece suit(black with really thin pinstripes), 2 shirts(burgundy and baby blue) 2 ties that work well with the shirts, 2 sets of cuff links, 2 sets of really pointy shoes and 2 belts all tailored to me. I kinda felt stupid cause I got this deal and I should have got matching handkerchiefs. Anyway a few pictures to show off my good looks even though the photography is horrible.

I also bought a new camera because the old one broke and it takes way to high quality of pictures. I have been waiting about 30 mins for 5 pictures to upload.

Okay nevermind the picture won't co-operate I will try and put them on my picaso instead. Maybe I will take them again, lower quality. Anyway my profile picture is a preview.


~*Autumn*~ said...

Oh My Goodness John! You look really dashing in your suit! The color looks really good on you too! I will look forward to the other pictures coming! :)

Kimber said...

Yeowzaa!! What a hottie!

Dang you look buff!

What a great find on the clothing and how lucky to have such a high quality camera. Can't wait to see the other pics.

Kara said...

Snazzy! Looking good! Want more pictures :)

Cami Sue said...

What a hottie you are. I worry about the girl when you get back. I'm thinking there will be a lot of swooning. But you are a Fullmer - so flirting and getting the girls' attention is in your genes.

Kate said...

Lookin' Good! Nice pecks dude! Remember the days when we used to compare?? I think you have surpased me in hottness for sure.

Jessica said...

John where have you been all my life. I think i married the wrong brother? no but you look good watch out girls and for those of us who are out of the loop when are you coming in and when is jared graduating

Edwin said...

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